We all want to fight that forward slump.  Gravity makes standing upright a full-time job.  Here are some moves to consider to try and ensure you stay tall.  The good news about all of these, is you can do them for 30-seconds each.  So set the timer on your phone. You don’t even have to count.  To help you remember the moves think MUTT (Mobility, Upper back, Tall, & Twist).

Maintain Mobility

Rib cage circles

Upper Back Strong

Back Pulses

Small Backward Circles

Back Bends with Hands Behind Head

Hands Interlocked Behind Back

Twist & Tall

Spinal Rotation

Sit Tall & Think of Space Between Your Vertebrae


Try to get in the habit of doing these moves as often as possible.

Click here to watch Maggie share some tips on improving posture on NBC CT Live!