- · Hourly notifications on your computer to stand and stretch
- · A standing workstation (rig it up yourself with some boxes—this is not only the cheap way to do it, but you can change between standing and sitting throughout the day)
- · Walk for ten minutes at lunch
- · If you watch TV, make sure that for at least 20 or 30-minutes (you decide) of your TV watching you aren’t on the couch. Do some squats, pace the room, march in place, or stand and stretch
- · Eat one meal a day standing
And for times when you have to sit, here are some ways to add some movement:
- · Point and flex your feet
- · Do ankle circles
- · Rock your pelvis back and forth
- · Stretch to one side and then the other
- · Take a few big deep breathes, trying to engage as many muscles as possible when you breathe
- · Tap your feet
- · Put on some music and sway to it (or sway to your inner beat)
Set a goal—do you want to find 30-minutes a day to stand where you didn’t use to? Or do you want to find an hour? Maybe you’re really ambitious and you want to find two hours.