Since I gave up shampoo almost one year ago, I’ve been trying to keep you updated on the status. Well, I love it. It’s cheaper and my hair is nicer. It’s fabulous. It’s good for me, my scalp, and the environment.
I admitted earlier in the summer that I’ve started to use conditioner occasionally. With the humidity in the air, I couldn’t seem to get a pick through my hair. When I stopped using shampoo, I stopped needing conditioner to pick my hair, but this all changed with the summer months.
Last week I was picking (sans conditioner) when one of the bristles on my pick broke. I continued until another one flung itself at my shower drain. My pick was done. I trashed it and started using another “Ouch Less” comb, unable to find a pick. It wasn’t ouch less when it broke in half in my hand.
Needless to say, lately, as the summer tapers off, I’ve been using conditioner more than not.
what do you use to clean your hair instead?
Every two of three days I wash it with baking soda that I rub into my scalp–usually just around my hair line where I sweat. Every once in a rare while if it gets really greasy I combine bs with cider vinegar. That’s rare though. At first my hair was more greasy, but it found it’s own balance and I seem to need to wash it less now. Thanks for reading.